Samhain – the year is a dancing woman

Screenshot 2017-11-01 at 9.45.00 AM

On Friday I went to my favourite seasonal activity – my women’s dance circle. To open the dance our amazing leader Mihaela read us this poem.  I tried to look it up after but couldn’t find it anywhere on the internet, so here it is for you to enjoy.  Seasonal Magick by Shekhinah Mountainwater. Only available here folks. :-) Blessings to you as you lay the year to rest at Samhain, making space for grief and loss and honouring our beloved dead to nourish the coming life of what is to come.

Seasonal Magick

The year is a dancing woman
Who is born at the coming of spring
The year is a dancing woman
Of Her birth and death we sing . . .
In spring She comes to power
When the red of Her moonbloods come
And She dances and spins towards summer
To the beat of Her passion’s drum
Tis then She becomes so fertile
With the Life that is to come
And She flows with the Love that feeds us
‘Til the Harvest Time is done
Then dances and spins towards darkness
All dressed in autumn fire
To descend to the time of shadow
And rest from the world’s desire
Now Her hair is touched with silver
Winter’s wisdom claims her soul
And She births the spirit within us
Bringing light and hope to us all
Igniting a blaze in the darkness
To kindle the coming spring
Then dreams ’til Her resurrection
And Her story again begins . . .
The year is a dancing woman
Who is born at the coming of spring
The year is a dancing woman
Of her birth and death we sing . . .

  • Shekhinah Mountainwater

The drawing is by the amazing Cate Simmons

Maiden, Mother and Crone...